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  • The Hesperian Student 186
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Periodical : The Hesperian Student

186 results

Campus Canards [Band Reorganization]
Campus Canards [Dress Parade]
Mayer Bros Advertisement
Campus Canards [Joke]
Campus Canards [Palladian Society]
Direct Pointers [Metal Polish]
Campus Canards [New Uniforms]
Direct Pointers [New Uniforms]
Our Prize Contest
Miscellany [Band Room]
Heard in the Halls [Large Band]
Heard in the Halls [Odd Fellows' Celebration]
Arbor Day
Heard in the Halls [Trip to Omaha]
Heard in the Halls [Group Photos]
Heard in the Halls [Essay Reading]
Heard in the Halls [Milford Encampment]
Heard in the Halls [Open Air Concerts]
Heard in the Halls [Knights of Pythias]
Heard in the Halls [Band Member's Illness]
Heard in the Halls [New Band Members]
Heard in the Halls [Band Member's Death]
Heard in the Halls [Joke]
Heard in the Halls [Band Room Swap]
Heard in the Halls [Band Room Swap Back]
Hall Happenings [Field Day]
Hall Happenings [Field Day Joke]
Editorial Notes [Field Day]
Field Day
Commencement Day
Commencement Notes
Stray Pick-ups [Band Roster]
Stray Pick-ups [Uniform Loan Deception]
Stray Pick-ups [Joke]
Stray Pick-ups [Escorting Governor]
Stray Pick-ups [Odd Fellows]
Stray Pick-ups [Band Improvement]
Stray Pick-ups [New Uniforms]
Stray Pick-ups [Drummer]
Stray Pick-ups [Joke]
Stray Pick-ups [Joke Followup]
Stray Pick-ups [Dress Parade]
Stray Pick-ups [Band for Hire]
Stray Pick-ups [Museum]
Stray Pick-ups [Battalion Size]
Stray Pick-ups [Band Members' Wealth]
Stray Pick-ups [Drum Major Staff]
Sketches [Band of Youths]