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Site Section : Documents
Topic : Cheer & Pep

163 results

Plans for Monster Rally: Team Will be Given an Ovation Tuesday Morning
Rooters' Celebration
Monstrous Rally: Enthusiastic Students Make Chapel Rounds
Football Season Ends
Girls' Gymnasium Exhibit
Largest Rally of Season Held Friday Evening: Torchlight Parade to Welcome Syracuse Team is Feature
Band is Present in All Kinds of Weather at N. U.
Players Will Talk at Rally Friday Night
Torches, Yells, Songs Billed for Big Rally
Grid-Graph to Help Organize Cheer Section
Cornhuskers Off to Meet Illini Team
Two Thousand Attend Rally
Rally Planned for Dads and Visitors
Send-Off Rally Scheduled for This Afternoon
Initial Rally for Freshmen to Come Today
Fight for U-N-I' is Theme from New Husker Melody
Freshmen Convocation Launched This Morning
Seating Capacity for Homecoming is Large
Make Plans for Rally Tonight on Drill Field