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Topic : Fundraising Finance

63 results

Stray Pick-ups [Summer Employment]
Stray Pick-ups [New Instrument Possibility]
They Say [Miscellaneous]
Townley to Regents, December 19, 1884
Direct Pointers [Metal Polish]
Direct Pointers [New Uniforms]
Letter from Easterday to Lt. Dudley, March 22, 1886
Stray Pick-ups [Band for Hire]
Stray Pick-ups [Band Members' Wealth]
Stray Pick-ups [Rollerskating]
Stray Pick-ups [Band Wealth and City Elections]
Recent Happenings [Summer Employment]
Stray Pick-ups [New Baritone]
Exchange [Drum Corps Proposal]
Letter from Kimball to Chancellor Andrews, November 20, 1901
Cadet Band Elects Officers
The First Band Informal
Football: Nebraska vs Colorado
Hold Enthusiastic Rally